Script, please: Broncos follow man with plan
By Adam Schefter
Denver Post Sports Writer

                  Sept. 12, 99 - They know the script the way all great performers do. They
                  follow it line by line, just the way they rehearsed, hoping to stage the perfect
                  play, the perfect performance.

                  It's a scheme that has worked to near perfection for the Denver Broncos.
                  They collected top honors in 1997, and again with their sequel in '98. Now
                  they go for the trilogy.

                  The director and screenwriter, a k a head coach Mike Shanahan and
                  offensive coordinator Gary Kubiak, have been as essential to the production
                  as the leading men - Terrell Davis, Shannon Sharpe, Rod Smith et al. But
                  just like in Hollywood, every award-winning performance needs a good

                  Which brings us to football, hardly a game predictable enough to be
                  confined to a script. But that doesn't stop Kubiak from being the offensive
                  playwright for each game. His actors practice it to perfection until the curtain
                  rises Sunday afternoon or Monday night.

                  With each script - usually 15 plays or so - they rehearse Wednesday,
                  Thursday, Friday and Saturday, then visualize during the moments they are
                  not on the field. It allows them to witness the performance before it even
                  unfolds. The stage plays in San Francisco, Seattle and Green Bay as well.
                  But nowhere do they do it as well as Denver.

                  "Scripting, to me, is almost like double preparation," Kubiak said. "We drill
                  in the player's head these 15 plays over and over again. And then their
                  individual coach is going to drill those 15 plays in their head. And they're
                  going to sit at their locker the day of the game and look at those 15 plays.
                  They will be coached so hard on those 15 plays that it's just got to be a
                  reason why they run them so much better and so clean. The preparation -
                  the double preparation, as I like to call it - makes them that much more

                  Scripting is not just a matter of helping players remember their assignments
                  on a given set of plays. It boils down to exploiting, if not creating, your
                  opponents' weaknesses.

                  For instance, let's say the Broncos' bread-and-butter play runs Davis off left
                  tackle, and they're playing a defense that reads and defends the play well.
                  To create a bit a confusion a script might have the Broncos running right out
                  of that Terrell Left formation for a decent gain, forcing an adjustment by the
                  defense. The next time the defense sees that formation, it's ready to react
                  right. Instead, the Broncos run Davis' money play to the left.


                  Big gain. Just like they scripted it.

                  Recently, Kubiak agreed to sit down and reveal the Broncos' mind-set for
                  the script they used to earn football's Oscar, the Vince Lombardi Trophy,
                  when they beat the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl XXXIII.

                  Let's see what Denver did to get the Falcons leaning right when they were
                  going left.

                  The Broncos' Super Bowl script: down/to go/yard line

                  1/10/DB20: With the Falcons expecting the Broncos to hand Davis the ball
                  to start the game, Denver figured it could throw it to him. So on the first play
                  of the game, as they rehearsed all week, the Broncos sent Davis in motion,
                  acting as a receiver and not as a runner. Davis ran a little slant route outside
                  tight end Shannon Sharpe. The Broncos knew they were throwing for Davis
                  well before they left Denver for Miami. Not that John Elway couldn't have
                  thrown to another receiver; he could have. But No. 30 clearly was option
                  No. 1. The problem with the play was not the formation. It was the
                  execution. Elway was, as Kubiak described, "geeked up and the ball came
                  out smoking." The play did not go off as rehearsed.
                  Result: Incomplete pass.

                  2/10/DB20: Just as Davis was the designated target on play No. 1, Sharpe
                  was the designated target on play No. 2. Days before the game, Shanahan
                  predicted to his son Kyle that either Elway or Sharpe - not Davis - would
                  win Super Bowl XXXIII MVP. Shanahan figured the Falcons would be so
                  intent on keying on Davis that Elway and Sharpe would have the chance to
                  make some super history. No tight end had won a Super Bowl MVP, but
                  the Broncos truly believed this could be the first. Right away, the Broncos
                  tried to see if their instincts were correct. On their second offensive play of
                  the game, they put Elway in a shotgun formation and spread the field with
                  four wide receivers. But rather than play the zone defense Denver was
                  expecting, Atlanta blitzed. The Falcons nearly got Elway. But just before
                  they could sack him, Elway, as he had done so many times, backpedaled
                  away from danger. Just before he was sacked, he got rid of the ball. And
                  got it to the receiver who was running a hook route right in the middle of the
                  field. Sharpe. Just as it was scripted.
                  Result: 12-yard completion to Sharpe.

                  Every now and then, the script, like a firecracker, is a dud. There have
                  been times when the Broncos have run the first three or four plays of
                  their script, realized nothing was working, and scrapped their week of
                  preparation. "We'll say, 'Hey, these guys are playing us totally different
                  than we thought they would play us, that's gone, let's go on to
                  something else,'" Kubiak said. It happened last season at San Diego,
                  when Denver played a Sunday night game there in late November.
                  Right at the game's outset, the Chargers stuffed the Broncos cold, and
                  Denver turned a cold shoulder to it script. "We went to a two-back
                  shotgun (offense) and you can ask our players, it was a school-yard
                  football game," Kubiak said. "We were calling stuff that was not in the
                  game plan but we felt like that was the way we had to beat them. It
                  was not only not scripted, it was not even part of the plan." Good,
                  smart players adjust. They ad lib. And they find a way to make it work.

                 1/10/DB32: Even though there was a script - as there always is - Elway
                  had the option to audible out of a play if the defense he saw wasn't what he
                  was expecting. But when the Falcons stepped to the line of scrimmage in
                  their base defense on their third defensive play of the game, Elway liked
                  what he saw. He went right to the third play on the script. A Davis run
                  around left end. "We knew we were going to have to throw the ball to win,"
                  Kubiak said. "But we also knew T.D. was going to get his carries." This was
                  Result: Davis gains 1 yard.

                 2/9/DB33: Sticking with the script - designed to see how Atlanta planned
                  to defend Denver's rushing attack - the Broncos stuck with Davis. "You're
                  trying to find out what a defense is all about, so you do a lot of things,"
                  Kubiak said. "You try to find out how they're going to play you in various
                  situations. So you're not only scripting plays for yourself, but your scripting
                  plays that make them react to what you're going to do for the rest of the
                  game. You might jump in a formation just to see how they would play that
                  formation. Or how they're going to match up on some of your people so that
                  when you get to quarters two, three and four you know now, early in the
                  game, how they would play you. In a lot of ways, you're trying to get people
                  to show their hand so to speak." This time the call was to run a little more
                  inside than the previous play. This time the play ran Davis right over left
                  Result: Davis gains 2 yards.

                 "I know the argument for scripting plays," San Diego Chargers
                  quarterback Jim Harbaugh said this summer after another one of his
                  team's practices. "Everybody has a chance to think about them. There
                  are less penalties. My only question is, what happens if on the first play
                  of the game there's a bomb and it goes down to the 2-yard line? What
                  if your second scripted play is another long pass? So it's obviously
                  going to change. So do I like scripting? I'm not a big proponent of it. I
                  think there are a lot of plays that can change by sequence. And it's
                  going to happen. You can't just run 15 straight plays scripted out.
                  Games just don't go that way."

                  3/7/DB35: If it is ever third down and 3 or more yards to go, the Broncos
                  go off their main script right onto another. The one they shift to is their
                  third-down script. For each game, the Broncos have a list of third-down
                  plays they plan to use. Against the Falcons, the Broncos had one they
                  wanted to use more than others. During the week of preparations, Kubiak
                  approached Elway with a script specifically for third downs. "Mike and I
                  have a list of plays here," Kubiak told Elway. "Which one do you want
                  first?" Without hesitating, Elway responded, "Lion." Lion calls for Elway to
                  line up in the shotgun and for Broncos wide receiver Rod Smith to run a
                  deep slant route. Elway knew he was going to call it on the first third and
                  long he faced, and, sure enough, he did. The call worked like a dream.
                  Result: 41-yard completion to Smith.

                 1/10/AF24: Back to the script, and back to Davis. Even though it is play
                  No. 6, it is only play No. 5 on the Broncos' script. A Davis run over right
                  guard. The idea here is to mix it up, go to the other side of the field. The
                  Broncos also still want to see how the Falcons are playing the run. And,
                  with Falcons defensive tackle Shane Dronett leading a turbo-charged unit,
                  this is the answer: tough.
                  Result: Davis gains 1 yard.

                  2/9/AF23: Staying on the script - making it six of the seven plays it have
                  been used - the Broncos send Davis back over left guard. Seeing how the
                  Falcons have defensed him on his first three carries of the game, sensing
                  how they're going to do it the rest of the time, the Broncos are able to make
                  the necessary blocking adjustments and free Davis.
                  Result: Davis gains 9 yards.

                  Back when he was an offensive coach at USC, before he became the
                  San Diego Chargers head coach last January, Mike Riley tried
                  scripting plays in two games. "As soon as I'd get off of it, the other
                  coaches would start yelling, 'You're off the script! You're off the
                  script!'" Riley recalled. "But scripting just didn't work as well for me.
                  Our players know what our plays are in certain situations, so it's kind
                  of the same way of having a script in my mind. I find it a little
                  confining for a coach. Obviously Bill Walsh and Mike Shanahan have
                  had great success with it, but I kind of like to go more with the flow of
                  the game rather than the script."

                 1/10/AF14: Inside the opponent's 20-yard line is the area known as the red
                  zone. After Davis' 9-yard run, the Broncos found themselves in the red
                  zone. Whenever they arrive there, Shanahan goes off the script as often as
                  he stays on it. "If the boss likes what's on the script, he may stay on it,"
                  Kubiak said. "But he also may say I don't like that play I have scripted. That
                  was for a field play and we're down in the red zone. I want to go to my red
                  zone play." But here gut instincts tell Shanahan to decide to stick with the
                  script. It is another handoff to Davis, this one up the middle.
                  Result: Davis loses 1 yard.

                  2/11/AF15: Undaunted, even facing second and long, Shanahan stays on
                  the script for the eighth time in his team's first nine plays and goes back to
                  the player he is expecting to have the biggest game. He calls for Sharpe to
                  run a slant route down the middle of the field. Just as he expected, the play
                  is wide-open. Elway completes the pass to Sharpe, who is running toward
                  pay dirt. But just short of the end zone, Falcons cornerback Ray Buchanan
                  slams into Sharpe. The violent collision saves a touchdown for the Falcons
                  and costs Sharpe the rest of the game. Sharpe limps to the sideline with a
                  torn ligament in his knee, and his hopes of becoming the first tight end Super
                  Bowl MVP equally wounded. But Sharpe can take comfort in this: The play
                  was not a total loss.
                  Result: 14-yard completion to Sharpe.

                  1/1/AF1: Just as the Broncos have a 15-play script to open games, just as
                  they have a lengthy script of plays solely for third-down plays, they also
                  have a mental script for goal-line plays. "Mike was going to go to the first
                  play in our minds that we decided to call on the goal line," Kubiak said.
                  "This play was No. 1. We knew we were giving the ball to Howard Griffith
                  on the goal line in this game. We knew everybody thought 30 would get the
                  ball, that's why we went to Howard." So even the plays that are not scripted
                  are scripted in a lot of ways. It shows.
                  Result: Griffith gains 1 yard and a touchdown.

                  Like many things in life - from eating sushi to bungee jumping -
                  scripting plays is not for everyone. But it is for the Broncos. "I just
                  think it's a hell of a deal," Kubiak said. "As a coach, it makes you so
                  comfortable because you've really called the first quarter of the
                  football game. Now you've got to go find out if you're right or wrong.
                  But you're preparation is such that when the ball's being kicked off and
                  you're saying, "OK, what am I going to call?' We know what we're
                  going to call. Here's what we're running. You could almost say, 'I'll be
                  back in 15 plays, somebody else call this game.' Because you're going
                  to stay with that script unless it doesn't work."

                  Copyright 1999 The Denver Post. All rights reserved.